Dates chutney-Dry Fruits Chutney

Dates Chutney Yesterday i am cleaning my this process i saw one packet full of Dates....this is the wonderful this chutney i added somes Apricots and Raisins also.... Dates 1 cup(de seeded and cut into small pieces) Raisins,Apricots 1/2 cup(Apricots also de seeded and cut small in to pieces,Raisins are seed less directly i used) Jaggery 1/2 cup Red chilli powder 1 table spoon Salt 1 table spoon Mustard seeds 1/2 teaspoon(pounded coarsely in Mortal) Cumin seeds 1 tea spoon(Fry for few min(till seeds turn it to brown color iand nice aroma comes)in a Pan,pounded coarsely in Mortal. Tamarind juice 2 table spoo...