My Learning and Teaching experience in Japanese Art and Craft class in Vietnam

One of my exciting and thrilling stays so far happens to be in Vietnam. Along with my dear hubby, I lived few years in this wonderful and beautiful country, making my abode in Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon. It was a great experience for me living among unknown. I thought at the time of going there, that it would be like being in one of the corners of my own country, may be like going to eastern or north eastern regions, and so was not really prepared for surprises. Though Vietnam is an Asian country, almost all of the living systems, whether the language - speech or script, mannerism or behaviour, life style, culture or eating habits - all are so different from India. I needed a lot of adjustments to live there. As a vegetarian I faced a lot of difficulty while going out to eat in Vietnamese restaurants, but I tasted many different types of teas like jasmine,rose and cinnamon. Vietnamese coffee is a unique beverage. Something I never tasted...