Murukku - Indian Crunchy Snack

In India  we have so many festivals each festival has its own identity. One thing common in all festival is the many many varieties of sweet/salty/spicy savories.
Festival celebration means gathering with relatives,wearing new clothes,eating good food. All over India Snacks are very important food for festivals,either Sweet savories or Salt savories.Lots of lots of varieties are made in homes. Between October and November, Deepavali or Deewali is major big festival celebrated all over India.
In this festival every house is filled with sweet snacks and Salt and spicy crunchy snacks. I thought to post some Snacks recipes  what i know ....Todays my recipes is Murukku, it is a South Indian Salt Crispy Crunchy Snack.

  1. Rice flour                                            2 small cup
  2. Butter                                                 1 table spoon
  3. Salt                                                    1 tea spoon
  4. Lemon juice                                       1 tea spoon
  5. Cumin seeds                                      1 tea spoon
  6. Green chilli paste                                1 tea spoon
  7. Vegetable oil                                      for frying Murukkus
  8. Water needed for making dough app. 1 small cup
  9. For making Murukkus need Murukku maker press
  1. Take rice flour in a wide plate.
  2. Add salt,cumin seeds,Butter,lemon juice and green chilli paste in this rice flour mix well with hands.
  3. Now add  little little  amount of  water in to flour make it like smooth dough.Keep it aside for few min.
  4. In a mean while heat oil in a pan in a medium heat
  5. Now take half amount of  rice flour batter in Mrukku make,r press  Murukku shapes  in butter absorbent paper or big size zip lock bag.Make like these shapes 3 to 4 Murukku shapes( depending upon our paper size)
  6. Now carefully drop it into hot oil and fry carefully turn it into both sides till they become crisp and golden brown color.
  7. Then take it out in paper napkin. 
  8. Let it fry all Mutukkus  and keep it a side to become cool.After they become cool keep it in air tight container. 


  1. Murruku looks murru murru and delicious!

  2. Murukku are so crispy :) Delicious snack..

  3. Crispy murukku looks incredible and fabulous..

  4. One of my Favourite snacks......Looks very crisp.

  5. wow, that looks so crunchy, my son loves these :)

  6. Super crispy n crunchy ~ great work!

  7. very yummy and crisy ... love to have them

  8. well let me try, but just a doubt, is it freshly ground rice flour or brought from market the dry one?

  9. Hi Anu thanks for visit my blog,i made with dry rice flour brought from market. Freshly ground flour is ideal for making Kai or Sutthu Murukku (in telugu we called Chakkilalu).


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